How to Maximize Closet Space

We all want an organized closet because somehow, those shelves and hanging spaces always seem crowded. But how do you keep a small closet under control without throwing out three-quarters of your wardrobe? Maybe you just need more storage space?

You will be astonished to see how much more available space you can gain with proper organization. Keep reading as our interior re-design and organization pros at apartmentjeanie explain how to make the most of even a tiny closet.

What You Gain When You Maximize Closet Space

Would life not be easier if you could just add another wardrobe or dresser? We're aware that not all homes have enough capacity for extra closets. Without an effective organization system, mess and chaos will reign even if you have more room.

Proper space utilization makes it easier to:

  • Find the clothes, shoes, and household items you need

  • See what you have in your closet so you can use all your wardrobe and not just skim the top layer

  • Keep your clothing wrinkle-free and ready to wear

  • Avoid buying clothes just because you forgot you already have a similar item (or you could not find it)

Start With Decluttering

Most of us have more clothes and shoes than we need, want, or wear. When you re-organize your closet, go over all its compartments from the top shelf to the floor, taking stock of all your clothing and accessories. Empty your shelves and drawers if necessary.

Sorting through all your clothes is a time-consuming task, but it will help you decide which items to keep and which to discard. Ask yourself:

  • Does this item fit me? Does it look good on me?

  • Have I worn it in the last two years?

  • If you are decluttering your kid's closet, ask: Has my child outgrown this size?

Decluttering is a great opportunity to throw away all the stretched-out T-shirts and faded underwear hiding at the back of the shelf or drawer. Clothes that are in good condition but no longer fit can go in the donation bin.

Small Closet Tips

If you have a small closet, the following tips will help you save space and avoid chaos.

Maximize Your Hanging Space

Hanging up clothes like button-down shirts and tailored suits will help make sure they stay crisp and crease-free. However, bulky mismatched hangers can take up a lot of room. Minimalistic slimline hangers for your hanging clothes will help you maximize vertical space.

... And Floor Space

You may have a lot of unused room underneath your closet rod. Free it up by moving longer items like coats and knee-length cardigans to one side, and place short jackets and shirts to the other side. Use the bottom part of the closet under the short items for a compact storage container or shoe rack.

Find the Right Way to Store Your Shoes

Depending on your habits and how often you wear each pair, keeping shoes in the closet might not be the best solution. If you have a small closet and own a lot of shoes, consider purchasing a tall stackable rack or cubbyhole-type organizer to store your shoes. You can browse The Container Store to view different shoe organizers.

Use Your Closet Doors

As you utilize every inch of vertical space, keep your closet's doors in mind. Attach a rack, pocket hangers, or an adjustable shelf strip to the inner side of closet doors to store lightweight items. If you own many purses, you can also use a purse storage system that hooks to doors.

Divide Your Drawers

A deep, wide drawer is seldom efficient. When you store small items like socks and underwear in a large drawer, they tend to create messy piles. Use drawer dividers to separate a drawer into designated compartments for underwear, socks, T-shirts, and so on.

Fold the Right Way

Most people stack clothes on top of each other in a wide fold. This folding method is inconvenient when you need to reach an item at the bottom of the stack. Often, you will only use the top items or end up with a messy pile of jeans if you pull from the center.

Instead of conventional stacking, try the Marie Kondo folding method. It involves folding items into compact rectangles and stacking them vertically in drawer organizers (like old-fashioned files) to maximize access.

Roll Bulky Items

High-volume items like quilts, towels, and bathrobes tend to topple over or look wonky when you fold and stack them the usual way. Try rolling towels and linens and then stacking them for a more efficient and nice-looking closet.

Don't Forget Accessories

If you store accessories, jewelry, and makeup in your closet, use compact cases for accessories and clear plastic trays for makeup so that you can easily see and access your items.

Pack Up Seasonal Items

If you use your winter coat three months out of the year, you don't need to hang it in your closet year-round. When the cold season passes, store your winter wear on the top shelf or purchase storage containers you can keep under your bed, on top of the closet, or in other less-used spaces.

Finally, give some attention to the closet itself. If your closet is looking shabby, a fresh coat of paint will help spruce it up and motivate you to organize other areas in your home.

Should You Hire a Professional Organizer?

Closet organization saves time, space, and money. However, decluttering and re-organizing a closet can seem formidable. If you look inside your closet, shake your head, and say "maybe I'll deal with it next spring," you may need professional help.

A home organizer can help you:

  • Declutter your closet and sort your clothes and shoes

  • Make the most of limited space

  • Find an efficient storage solution for every day and seasonal wear

Hiring a professional to organize your space is an investment that will pay off for years to come. And the best part is that once you overhaul your closet shelves, you can maintain order so much more easily.

Can't Close Your Closet Door? Contact Us at the ApartmentJeanie Team

If your messy closet feels overwhelming, the apartmentjeanie team can help you find effective storage solutions, establish a simple system for closet organization, and keep everything neatly contained. Contact us today! We look forward to helping you maximize your closet space.


Why You Need to Hire a Professional Organizer