an interior design and professional organization company
Getting organized and staying organized can be a constant struggle. It can feel like a never ending cycle. At apartmentjeanie, we love to contain and control the clutter by creating systems custom designed for you to continue to keep your space streamlined with minimal effort and ease.
Feel like your home is stuck in a rut? Maybe it feels stylishly stagnate, but you don’t have the budget and wherewithal to hire an interior designer. We specialize in interior re-design and styling by repurposing and utilizing what you already have before suggesting you start shopping.
Nobody likes moving, no one. Because moving on your own is super hard. Lucky for you, we at apartmentjeanie not just like, but LOVE preparing for a move and are obsessed with unpacking and setting up the new space so that you feel settled in within days, not months!

“Having Jeanie here is better than sex!”
— Rita R.